Upcoming Events
Nature is always making a map for us, and the land is full of clues and signs, though most of us have been trained out of this awareness by our digital tech. We will learn techniques for reading the landscape, expanding awareness, and amplifying perception used by wildlife trackers and our ancestors to forage and navigate. If you've ever wondered about how humans survived and thrived in wild environments, or questioned how to keep yourself from getting lost without using GPS, this talk will give you more knowledge and the confidence to safely wander off the beaten path. Register for this American River Conservancy event here.
Paul Hawken in discussion with Jessica Carew Kraft at Kepler's Books
In his new book, Carbon: The Book of Life, environmentalist Paul Hawken takes on a journey into the world of carbon, the most versatile element on the planet. At this event, he will be in discussion with Jessica Carew Kraft, author of Why We Need to Be Wild, at Kepler’s Books 1010 El Camino Real #100
Menlo Park, CA 94025. Tickets available here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/paul-hawken-tickets-1110682173279
In this class for the American River Conservancy, we'll learn how to prepare fire cider, first popularized by herbalist Rosemary Gladstar in the 1970s. The tonic contains apple cider vinegar (ACV), honey, onion, garlic, herbs, and other ingredients that may help support health and wellness. You'll learn about the properties of the ingredients and then make your own batch of fire cider to take home. Register here.
Talk at University of Oregon
I’ll be speaking to Professor Josh Snodgrass’ anthropology class about the journalistic use of ethnography and the particular subculture of rewilding.
Finding your way without your phone at Canyon Keepers, Auburn Regional Preserve
Nature is always making a map for us, and the land is full of clues and signs, though most of us have been trained out of this awareness by our digital tech. We will learn techniques for reading the landscape, expanding awareness, and amplifying perception used by wildlife trackers and all of our ancestors to forage and navigate. If you've ever wondered about how humans survived and thrived in wild environments, or questioned how to keep yourself from getting lost without using GPS, this talk will give you more knowledge and the confidence to safely wander off the beaten path.
Book Talk at The Bookery, Placerville, CA
oin Jessica Carew Kraft, local Placerville-area author for a talk about Why We Need to Be Wild during the Third Saturday Art Walk in downtown Placerville.
Talk at El Dorado Hills Library
I’ll be speaking about the main themes of ancestral skills, human evolution, and how we can all be more wild at the public library in El Dorado Hills.
Mother-Daughter Retreat
For mothers and daughters, aged 10-14 (flexible around age – let’s talk!)
The mother-daughter bond is how young women learn about trust, connection, resilience, and the joy of the feminine. These are the capacities that allow us to shine even during the darkest times.
We will gather to celebrate and strengthen this bond with wellness practices, activities in nature, and a final rite-of-passage ritual. We will draw upon universal traditions to craft a meaningful experience of feminine wisdom. For more, see Book Retreats.
Walk Like A Wild Human at Wakamatsu Farm
Over the past centuries of sedentary, industrialized life, people have adopted ways of moving that are not optimal for our health. In this workshop, we will learn the basic principles of natural movement and natural navigation, relying on our senses and perceptive abilities to find a new way to cross the ground. Understand how to realign your posture, protect your back, and gain new confidence with hiking. Sponsored by the American River Conservancy.
Register here: https://app.donorview.com/qrJ5Y
Buckeye Gathering
For the 2024 Buckeye Gathering, I will be teaching walking like a wild human: enriching perception, connection, and navigation in nature. See buckeyegathering.net for more information.
Sierra Women Landowners Association Talk
I’ll be talking about Why We Need to Be Wild to the Sierra Women Landowners Association at a private property in Amador County. For more information, visit the SWLA Facebook page.
Opening Talk at SkyEarth Gathering
I’ll be opening up the third year of SkyEarth Family Outdoor Skills gathering in Prairie Haven, Texas. I’ll be talking about why we all need to be wild and the importance of ancestral skills.
Why We Need To Be Wild Retreat
If you are in need of a digital detox and want to develop new routines and practices that call upon your inner wildness, this is the retreat for you.
In the context of a wellness getaway, we will explore our connection to the wild through various forms of nature connection. See more at BookRetreats.com.
Human Rewilding & Natural Navigation
Human Rewilding & Natural Navigation at Sonoma State University Osborn Preserve
A Wild Crafternoon working with the Autumn Landscape
Join California naturalist and author of Why We Need to Be Wild, Jessica Carew Kraft, for an exploration of winter botanics that can be incorporated into your meals, projects, and holiday observances. After a short exploratory identification walk, she will demonstrate how to process acorns, make ink with oak galls, create festive wreaths, and craft mullein torches to light up your home. You’ll return home with some of these items and more understanding of how to responsibly harvest and use abundant native plants. Steady rain or lightning storms will postpone. Ages 8+ welcome. Meet at Wakamatsu Farm. Sponsored by the American River Conservancy.
Sebastopol Crafts Faire
The Sebastopol Goddess Crafts Faire is a beautiful community celebration of the coming of winter through women's art, music and dance. I’ll be assisting Tamara Wilder of Paleotechnics and signing copies of Why We Need to Be Wild.
Save Mount Diablo Interpretive Association
Author Jessica Carew Kraft will present themes from her book, Why We Need to Be Wild, that relate to nature connection and feature sites in East Bay open spaces.
Walk and Discussion with Friends of San Leandro Creek
Join author Jessica Carew Kraft and the Friends of San Leandro Creek for the organization’s annual gathering, exploring Sibley Volcanic Regional Preserve.
Presentation at PrepperCamp
Jessica will present ideas from Why We Need to Be Wild at PrepperCamp, the premiere total immersion event in preparedness, survival, camp craft, off-grid living, and homesteading skills in Saluda, North Carolina.
Author Meet & Greet at Ruby’s Books, Folsom, CA
Join Why We Need to Be Wild author Jessica Carew Kraft at Ruby’s Books in Folsom, Ca for a fun family event exploring the ever-useful blackberry!
Join Jessica Carew Kraft for a funny discussion of how to be a hunter-gatherer in urban settings. Mrs. Dalloway’s Books, 2904 College Ave, Berkeley, CA 94705
Register for the event here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jessica-carew-kraft-in-store-event-for-her-new-book-why-we-need-to-be-wild-tickets-682776933187
Volunteer Park Walk & Talk
A book talk and walk through Volunteer Park in Seattle, Wa with author Jessica Carew Kraft, in conjunction with Elliott Bay Bookstore and the Volunteer Park Conservancy. 1247 15th Ave. E, Seattle, WA 98112
Jessica Carew Kraft in conversation with Tracker’s Earth Founder Tony Deis, discussing how to rewild the next generation at the world’s largest independent bookstore. Powell’s Books, 1005 W Burnside St, Portland, OR 97209-3114
Why We Need to Be Wild and Save Mt. Diablo
Author Jessica Carew Kraft will talk about the scenes from Why We Need to Be Wild that occurred on or near Mt. Diablo to the board of directors of Save Mt. Diablo. Private Event.
All-Star Heroic Coaches Event with Jessica Carew Kraft
Brian Johnson, CEO of Heroic, will talk to me about how I moved from Theory to Practice to Mastery to more consistently show up as the best, most Heroic version of myself. I’ll be talking about how rewilding is the ultimate optimization for productive humans!
Buckeye Ancestral skills gathering
Concow, CA. Jessica will read selections from Why We Need to Be Wild.
photo credit: David Beckstead