Top Clips

How To Rewild Yourself

You didn’t evolve to live in this techno-industrialised world.
Find health and happiness by embracing your wild nature., Jan. 18, 2024

Tune In, Turn On, Zap Out

One writer reflects on what she learned from a month of neurostimulation
for depression, energy, and meditation.

Protolife, May 22, 2022

A New Smartwatch That Detects Seizures
and Emotional Stress

A new, highly sensitive sensor technology can now provide a
continuous reading on our emotional states.

KQED, June 15, 2015

Establishing the Rule of Law in a Country
Where Justice Hardly Exists

Advocates are on a quest to improve the quality of life in Haiti through legal education.

The, April 22, 2015

Hacking Traditional College Debate's
White-Privilege Problem

Minority participants aren't just debating resolutions—they're challenging the terms of the debate itself.

The, April 16, 2014

Digital Overload?

Stanford students are working on apps that alleviate stress.

The New York Times, July 20, 2012

Cultural Factors Complicate Zika
Prevention in American Samoa

There are currently 54 reported Zika cases in American Samoa, with at least 21
in pregnant women but the actual number of infections could be higher.

NBC News, November 22, 2016

Unhealthy gap in genetic testing for Medi-Cal patients

Many thousands of children on Medi-Cal with severe health issues have been denied
access to the fast-growing field of genetic testing.

San Francisco Chronicle, August 22, 2014